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All your IT related issues can be solved!

Your unique IT issue will be resolved with an

out-of-the-box solution, that will be

specific for your IT situation.

We have expertise in:

- virus removal

- hardware upgrades

- network structure implementation

- website design and hosting

We can give you a satisfactory solution.


Maintenance contracts to keep your business infrastructure running smoothly.

We come onsite, so you are not inconvenienced by additional downtime.

Guaranteed 100% commitment to the resolution of your IT issue.

Our clients include home users, *SOHO, and *SMBs.

*SOHO (Small Office-Home Office); SMB (Small to Medium Business)

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Over 15 years IT experience.

Hardware and software built to your specifications
plus upgrades and repairs.

Network, servers, websites, and ADSL.

Trouleshooting and quotes.

CCTV systems, and more...

Call to discuss how best to resolve your IT issue.

Contact: Peter Herrington

Mobile: 082 44 99 303

or click the email link to the left, and we will get back to you soonest.

XL PCWIZZ Consultants
Serving Cape Town CBD and surrounds since 2000

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Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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